About us
Vietnam Nightlife là nền tảng được xây dựng để hỗ trợ khách hàng tìm kiếm và đặt chỗ tại các Nightclubs, Rooftop Bars, Cocktail Bars, Lounge, Karaoke, Sự Kiện và đặc biệt là các tour ăn chơi sành điệu về đêm.
Is the glamorous Hong Kong of the yesteryear your aesthetic? Search no more, for Hem Bia - a mini Hong Kong alley is here in Saigon. Despite being a newbie in the highly competitive nightlife scene of the city, the place has won over the trendy young crowd thanks to reasonably priced beer and snacks. Moreover, the retro and rustic props inside make it irresistible to take a few photos. Hem Bia opens from 4 PM to 4 AM daily, so you and your friends are always welcome to stay until dawn.
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