The Warehouse Ly Chinh Thang is a well-known beer garden entertainment restaurant located at 134-136 Ly Chinh Thang, District 3. The beer garden features a spacious warehouse-style Mediterranean design, providing a comfortable and close-to-nature ambiance. Serving delicious and diverse dishes and snacks ranging from European, Asian to Vietnamese cuisine, along with enticing drinks such as coffee, wine, cocktails, tower beer... Additionally, the restaurant hosts lively music performances, with talented and professional DJs ready to spice up your party. The Warehouse Ly Chinh Thang is an ideal destination for dates, parties, gatherings with family, friends, and colleagues.
DRESS CODE: Smart Casual / Elegant
BUSY NIGHT: Every night
PLACE TYPE: Restaurant, Beer Club, Beer Garden
CROWD: Asian, Local, Ballers, Classy, Chill, Celebs, Models
The Warehouse Ly Chinh Thang is a well-known beer garden entertainment restaurant located at 134-136 Ly Chinh Thang, District 3. The beer garden features a spacious warehouse-style Mediterranean design, providing a comfortable and close-to-nature ambiance. Serving delicious and diverse dishes and snacks ranging from European, Asian to Vietnamese cuisine, along with enticing drinks such as coffee, wine, cocktails, tower beer... Additionally, the restaurant hosts lively music performances, with talented and professional DJs ready to spice up your party. The Warehouse Ly Chinh Thang is an ideal destination for dates, parties, gatherings with family, friends, and colleagues.
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